The international society for research of interplay between mental and somatic disorders (non-profit association) (I.S.R.I.M.S.D.)
was created following multiple collaborations for many years between clinicians (psychiatrists, cardiologists, endocrinologists, physicians, general practitioners, orthopedists, neuroimaging physicians),
biologists, biochemists, chemists and biostatisticians.
These collaborative projects at the clinical and research level studied the multidimensional relationships between mental and somatic disorders..
A large number of clinical and preclinical studies confirm that mental disorders are linked with somatic disorders constituting, thus, a serious risk factor for their development, and vice versa.
Additionally, mental disorders constitute the second most common cause of morbidity worldwide. Delineation of the interactions and direct interconnections of the mental and somatic diseases at the clinical and the molecular level is imperative.
Consequently, the need for study, research, education and information in this field is important, not only for doctors, but also for the wider public.
I.S.R.I.M.S.D. focuses on supporting research on the mechanisms of the interactions of mental and somatic diseases, the related clinical practice, the training of clinicians and related teaching and educational activities.
1. Support the study and research on the mechanisms that underlie the interaction between mental and somatic diseases.
2. Educate clinicians about the interaction between mental and somatic diseases and train them on their management – treatment.
3. Support teaching, research and clinical practice.
4. Inform and educate the general public, the Authorities and all types of related organizations about the interaction between mental and somatic diseases.
5. Educate and train doctors, students, related scientists and health professionals, as well as support Continuing Medical Education. This is achieved by conducting training seminars.
6. Publication, distribution and promotion of books, magazines or scientific publications, with or without the use of modern electronic media, related to the goals of the Society and the creation and maintenance of a website or websites for the promotion of the Society aims.
7. Support and organize community-based activities of all types in this health-related field.
8. The announcement of scholarships, prizes, organization of Greek and International conferences, seminars, lectures, public debates, scientific meetings, postgraduate courses and other scientific events, independently or in collaboration with other Greek or international scientific societies, and participation and support of related activities of other organizations.ν
9. Cooperation with other companies and public or private bodies, Greek or international, as well as participation in federations, or as a Society. This cooperation includes funding in the form of a donation, sponsorship, educational or research program, as well as the fulfillment of relevant projects on behalf of other organizations.
10. Establishment of Research Centers, Institutes, Educational or Postgraduate Institutions.
11. Collaboration with Greek Universities and Universities abroad, Greek and International Scientific Societies, state institutions, as well as the development of relations with scientific disciplines and sciences relevant to the aims of the Society.
12. Support to families and all persons living with the patients and encouragement of their cooperation with the society in an attempt to provide the best possible effect on patient welfare.
13. Promotion of mental and physical health for both individuals and social groups.
14. Public disclosure of opinion and research activities pertinent to the Society's objectives.
The Society is a non-profit organisation and its purpose is to help the community. The objectives set in the GOALS webpage will be achieved through the development of various activities. In particular:
1. Creation of research, diagnostic and implementation teams consisting of scientists (doctors from all specializations, biologists, biochemists, chemists, biostatisticians, pharmacologists, neuroscientists etc.) that will pursue research funding.
2. Organization of scientific lectures, gatherings, events, symposia and national and international conferences.
3. Creation of training groups in the scientific field and organization of scientific educational seminars, conferences and educational programs.
4. Publication, distribution and promotion of books, magazines and other printed material, with or without the use of modern electronic media, design and maintenance of one or more web-sites and any other communication means for promoting Society and its activities.
5. Study, design and implementation of proposals and programs (educational, research etc.) funded by national, European or international public or private bodies.
6. Inform and educate patients and their families.
7. Organization of training programs assigned by public, Greek, or international Foundations.
8. Design, organisation, finance and support clinical studies and other research activities in collaboration with public or private bodies, Greek or international, in any direct or indirect way
9. Support Continuing Medical Education in any way, organizational or financial, and train other health-related professionals in general through scholarships, prizes, conference funding and attendance grants in Greece and abroad.
10. Organizational and financial support to social projects that attempt to improve health and quality of life of patients and their families, as well as the promotion of public health in general through information, prevention and any other means proposed by scientific knowledge and research..
11. Establishment of Research Centers, Institutes, Educational or Postgraduate Institutions.
12. Collaboration with Greek Universities and Universities abroad, with Greek and International Scientific Societies, as well as with Ministries and state bodies on issues of common goals, as well as the development of relations with scientific disciplines and sciences related to the aims of the Society.